Who knew the Secretary of the Treasury was such a key man on non-financial matters in the White House? If Paul O'Neill as Secretary of the Treasury was so central to all the intelligence and planning for the War on Terrorism and the liberation of Iraq from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein, would that mean that it was really the fault of former Secretary of the Treasury Bob Rubin instead of former President Bill Clinton for the repeated failures to nab Osama bin Laden and prevent the terrorist attacks on 9/11 or to follow through on the Clinton administration's policy of regime change in Iraq?
If I remember correctly, Paul O'Neill lost his job as Secretary of the Treasury because he wasn't doing a good job and he opposed the President George W. Bush's tax cuts. If Paul O'Neill is to be believed and taken at face value, would this imply that Bill Hobbs can now also blame the liberation of Iraq from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein, the decision by Libya to give up WMDs, and the thawing of relations between Pakistan and India -- as well as the booming economy -- on the Bush tax cuts? Personally, I think Paul O'Neill is just mad because Bono will no longer return his phone calls.