June 28, 2009

The Full Scope of the Tragedy Has Finally Been Revealed

Deepak Chopra informs: Michael Jackson was working on a song about climate change in the days before his death.

Posted by Charles Austin at June 28, 2009 09:34 AM

I can't locate your email so this will have to do. Please email me.

We are hoping to include your website - http://sinequanon.spleenville.com/ - on a list of Missouri blogs to hand out at the Independence day tea party. More information below.

We’re trying to create “Missouri’s Little Black Book of (Tea Party) Blogs”—a single sheet handout that lists the fiscally Conservative blogs. We don’t want to include anyone unless they consent to be included. We will credit the organization and the individuals that participated—probably a blurb on the handout.

Please either consent to be included or reject this in vitiation by emailing me back.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Danny Laub
Saint Louis Tea Party

Posted by: Danny Laub at 12:05 AM