Here's some pretentious claptrap: Global warming: Will you listen now, America?
Two of the leading contenders to contest the next US presidential election have delivered an urgent warning to the United States on global warming, saying the evidence of climate change has become too stark to ignore and human activity is a major cause.
We're doomed! Doomed! No, not because of global warming, but because the pronouncements of celebrities and publicity-seeking politians now pass for science.
On a high-profile and bi-partisan fact-finding tour in Alaska and Canada's Yukon territory, Senators John McCain, a Republican, and Hillary Clinton, the Democratic senator for New York, were confronted by melting permafrost and shrinking glaciers and heard from native Inuit that rising sea levels were altering their lives.
"The question is how much damage will be done before we start taking concrete action," Mr McCain said at a press conference in Anchorage. "Go up to places like we just came from. It's a little scary." Mrs Clinton added: "I don't think there's any doubt left for anybody who actually looks at the science. There are still some holdouts, but they're fighting a losing battle. The science is overwhelming."
Frankly, I doubt Senators McCain and Clinton could get an acceptable score on any hard science GRE, so please spare me the nonsense that they have analyzed the science and found it overwhelming. Or do high-profile fact-finding tours qualify as hard science now. Bloody hell.
the vast majority of scientists involved in studying these matters agreee that global warming is a fact, and that our actions have casued it. It is utterly igorant, short-sighted hubris to argue otherwise.
Posted by: Anders at 04:04 PMI had not realized that science was something we voted on. But aside from that little problem, whether the earth is warming or not isn't really the question at hand. The question is whether or not the action of mankind are causing it or not, and if so, what do we do about it. Personally, I believe the jury is still out, at best, on whether or not mankind is causing global warming or not. And before you hyperventilate, did mankind cause the global warming that got us out of the last ice age? That warming period would drawf what we are experiencing now.
But even so, I would still prefer free market solutions to the problem rather than edicts led by the self-serving corrupt officials of the UN or other unelected body of self-annointed commisars.
Oh, and finally, try responding to what I wrote instead of spouting the usual claptrap.
Posted by: charles austin at 07:03 PMThe problem is that most of the world is seeing the problem, trying to react to find a solution whereas the US government, apparently obsessed with handing out benefits to its financial supporters, doesn't want to do anything because of the probable short-term effects on the economy.
Science is not a voting matter, you are correct. And sometimes you have to react to science no matter what your voters might think.
Anders, I appreciate your comments but your understanding of how the US government functions seems poor at best. Or perhaps you don't realize you are parroting nonsense. While I have my own doubts about the wisdom of the populace at times, I'd still rather submit to their collective will as presented by our elected representatives than by any collection of unelected bureaucrats at the UN, the EU, or pick your favorite NGO.
I'm not impressed with what most of the world thinks, especially considering how tainted their judgment is with anti-capitalism, anti-Americanism and anti-semitism. Why is it that most of the solutions seem to be opposed to free markets and private property? Oh, and I assume you saw the item about the two Russian scientists who have called global warming a load of hooey and have offered to put their money where their mouths are by betting the earth will be cooler in ten years than it is now. This isn't proof, by any standard I would recognize, but it does put the lie to any implication that global warming should be considered a settled issue.
Posted by: charles austin at 09:56 PMI think it is simly too risky to bet on the free markets being able to bypass the short-term interests of their share-holders and focus on the common, long term good.
I believe that we need international agreements and rules, everything can't be left to the markets to decide.
Anti-americanism et al has nothing to do with global warming except for the neglect of your present government towards these issues providing excellent breeding ground for anti-american sentiments
Anders, thanks again for your comments, and I apologize for being a bit cranky at times.
I'm afraid we will have to agree to disagree on potential solutions. I'll continue to prefer freedom over bureaucratic diktats, no matter how well intentioned. The international community would have better standing in my eyes if they deat with people like Saddam Hussein or Robert Mugabe more directly, instead of closing their eyes or relying on the US to do almost all the heavy lifting.
Posted by: charles austin at 10:15 AMOne of the problems with the UN is the veto-power of the few. This is a thing that has benefited the US at times, but now, for example, it benefits Mugabe as he gets away with it thanks to China's veto. But this gets pretty much OT already, thanks for discussing!
Posted by: Anders Adlercreutz at 04:14 PM