It's time for another MidWest Blog Bash. Numbering is somewhat arbitrary, i.e., fake, but undoubtedly authoritative, i.e., accurate.
He Who I'm Not Sure If I Have Permission To Use His Real Name over at Diogenes Corner has made the arrangements for us all to meet on Saturday, October 2, at 6:00 at the usual place, TNG's in Kirkwood. Be there or be square.
Say, shouldn't that be Diogenes' Corner?
DOWNDATE: Event cancelled. To be rescheduled at a later date.
You can use my name.
Wondering who all will show, and am open to other dates. I'll send out an e-mail tonight to the usual suspects.
And yes, Diogenes' Corner is more appropriate. My typewriter didn't have the ability to make an apostrophe that tagged on to the Title.
It looked liked Diogenes ' Corner, which made no sense, and I didn't want to be accused of forgery.
Posted by: Jim Durbin at 05:17 PM6:00 is actually tough for me, because I have church at 5, so 7:00 makes more sense for me too.
Charles, what about you?
Posted by: Jim Durbin at 05:21 PM