So, according to John F. Kerry, "W stands for Wrong."
Ok, what does F stand for? Fluid? Farouche? Fiasco? Feckless? Facile? Frivilous? Fulminating? Funky? Feigned? Forlorn? Fracted? Figment? Fickle? Frazzled? Flake? Flighty? Frantic? Fetid? Faint-hearted? Faisandé? Fitful? Frothy? Flappable? Flaccid? Fodder? Faux-pas? Froideur? Farsical? Fatuous? Fuliginous? Feeble? Frustrating? Fictitious? Fudged? Flinch? Flibbertigibbet? Fakir? Fantaisiste? Flotsam? Flustered? Fogbound? Fool? Freakish? Fussbudget? Fop? Francophile? Fraud? Fretful? Frigid? Or with respect to his presidential campaign, felo-de-se?
Have I missed any, aside from the profane and gratuitously offensive?
I'm about to come back too - so - maybe we should do another Blogger Bash?
Posted by: James Durbin at 02:35 PM