I saw a headline in a newspaper through a vending machine window that said:
California Recall: Now It's Up To the Voters
Yea. Uh huh. Maybe I should start a pool on when the shenanigans will be over. Between guessing when the election results will finally be certified and when all the legal challenges by "friends" of the electorate will finally be thrown out of court, my guess is that Gray Davis is going to be around until at least February. Oh, and I imagine we'll be hearing for a long time from the same people who still can't quite figure out how the US Constitution works when it comes to the electoral college about how Gray got more votes to stay in office than Arnold did to replace him. And I don't expect that a probable majority of votes going to Schwarzenegger and McClintock together will do anything to assuage there misplaced anger. If there's anything we can count on from the Angry Left, it's a blind spot a mile wide when it comes to reasonable arguments concerning the election of Republicans.