I happen to think the Secretary Rumsfeld and his commanders in Iraq are, in fact, conservative in their estimates:
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on Wednesday that American military commanders in Iraq believed that the size of the force there was adequate, even in the aftermath of Tuesday's deadly bombing of the U.N. headquarters in Baghdad.
All we need to do is change the rules of engagement and focus on protecting our forces first. I have no doubt this may result in more casualties to "innocent" Iraqis and an increased mortality rate for Reuters cameramen. That is all regrettable, but I happen to fall completely in favor of protecting our troops who are doing an honorable task first. We will not leave. We have paid the price so we set the ground rules or the rules on the ground if you prefer.
I am sick to death of listening to Kofi Annan claim that US forces should have done more to secure Iraq for humanitarian missions by now, or hearing Robert Siegel on NPR's All Things Considered today ask a former ambassador if the UN bombing meant that US strategy had failed in Iraq. Kofi Annan is a bald-faced liar. He stated that UN personnel had never been attacked even though they have been in Iraq for 12 years. Perhaps he missed this and this and this and this and this. I guess there's no need for NPR to check facts so long as the party line is being maintained.
I do not believe as Ralph Peters and many others have written that the bombing of the UN is in any way a good sign or a good thing. It is a tragedy for all concerned, though it was imminently predictable and preventable, had the UN acted as though they are in a hostile war zone -- which they are. The people who died may have disagreed with US policy, but that doesn't mean they deserved to die or be wounded. The UN was bombed primarily because it was an easy target that was guaranteed to get massive media attention and to help sow discord between the US and its ostensible allies.
Anyway, anybody ..., please let me know if NPR ever gets a grip on a reality that includes fair and equitable treatment of our armed forces and our current political leadership. I can no longer listen to the interminable intellectual tripe they offer up now.
Why listen to NPR? You can get the same reality-distorting effect by staying up all night and drinking lots of coffee, or by attending a stag twenty-fifth high-school reunion. There's no need to endanger yourself, Charles!
Posted by: Francis W. Porretto at 09:14 PMA man goes to a doctor's office and says doctor it hurts when I raise my arm over my head. The doctor replies, don't raise you arm over your head.
Why go out of your way to aggravate yourself? I follow this simple rule. I never listen to a radio or television show that constantly raises my blood pressure.
You probably either need to not listen to NPR or drink more and then listen to NPR. I recommend that you get really good and drunk and call in.
Posted by: Dave Himrich at 12:13 AM