Happy New Year
Submit Your Questions
Submit Your Questions
Submit Your Questions
Submit Your Questions
Happy New Year
Merry Christmas
Damn It, I Don't Want to Talk About Politics
Happy Thanksgiving!
How Can Everyone Pass This Up?
A New Blog
Austin Airs Doubts On Powell Agenda
Sarah Palin
The Full Scope of the Tragedy Has Finally Been Revealed
Entrenched Agent of the Status Quo
The Will to Power
SAT Question
Separated at Birth?
Worst. Congress. Ever.
Does This Say More About the Mental Health of Our Culture or Just the Mental Health of Big Media?
Now I Understand What They Mean by Green Cars
Freedom is Slavery
Not That They Weren't Petty Enough Already
Makes You Wonder Why He Wanted the Job, Doesn't It?
This Is Not the Change You're Looking For
The Most Transparent Administration Transparency Ever
The Alinsky Broadcasting Company
What Does It Say That This Must Be Said?
Captain Obvious Strikes Again
A Waist Is A Terrible Thing To Mind
I Blame Bush
Playing Roulette With the House's Money
A Question for the Guys
Adventures in Headline Writing
The Visible Hand
Shiller's Remorse
Strike A Pose
Chocolate Rations Increased to 20 Grams!
Star Trek
Penny for Your Thoughts Stock
Do Us a Favor Favre
Presidential Succession Question
Charles Erwin Wilson President Obama Says, "What's Good for General Motors Is Good for the Country"
What Passes for Realism These Days
To Paraphrase Senator Dirksen
Who's Your Buddy? Who's Your Pal?
And a (Belated) Happy New Year
Merry Christmas
As God Is My Witness...
To the Manner Born
Deflation, My Ass
The Declaration of Dependence
I've Got a Dr. Fever and the Only Cure Is, No Wait, That's Not Right
He Who Laughs Last...
Veteran's Day
The Good Fight
I Shall Return
Today Is My Birthday
This Seems Fitting
A Really Futile and Stupid Gesture
Fall Back
On It Or Under It
Bias? What Bias?
What If We're Kind of Happy With the World?
Too Bad the Wild Boars Report Was False
Be Careful What You Wish For
Do You Know What a Five Percenter Is?
But If C-SPAN Only Shows Congress, Won't That Be a Problem For Them?
Ten Foot Polls
Pique Oil
John McCain Wins Debate!
The Most Important Election In Our Lifetime
Two Minutes
The Bailout
Al Gore: Coward
How To Make Enemies and Not Influence People
The Triumph of the Will Skill
Look at Old Man Potter Buffett...
What's Good for the Goose...
The John McCain Making It As Hard As Possible For Me To Vote For Him National Tour, Stop 2
How Dare He Question My Patriotism
Contrast and Compare
Everybody Hertz
Why Is Sarah Palin Kicking Barack Obama's Backside?
Watching the 'Rats Deserting the Ship
Paranoia Srikes Deep
Take My Candidate, Please
A Fine Line
It's Sarah Palin's World, I Just Blog In It
Thanks to HDTV
Putin on the Blitz
Fantasy Football 2008
The War of the Words
Captive Audiences
Peak Oil (Prices)
Texas is Hot in August
A Tale of Two Industries
Friday Five
Die Sitemeter Die
They Say This Like It's a Bad Thing
Penny Wise and Pound Foolish
What a Wonderful World
Let Them Eat Cake Arugula
United States of America
"Coal Makes Us Sick"
The Oebama Factor
When Heller Freezes Over
Resistance Is Futile
So, Citizens Should Not Enjoy the Rights of Violent Criminals?
Utterly Depressing
Fair DNCum
Free At Last, Free At Last
Rocky Mountain Sigh
If No Sitcoms Were Made In the Forest, How Would We Know?
Your Proposal Is Acceptable
Race As a Social Construction
Because I Said So
Up, Up With People Primates
The Pendulum Has Stopped Moving
Global Warming
Self-Referential Journalism
Hugo Would Be Proud
No Means No
What Is It About Gore?
Anticipating Keith Olbermann
Mass Miss Marketing
Apparently, Because the Games Are Too Fast at Three Hours and Fifteen Minutes
It's the End of the World As We Know It
McCain's VP Choice
How To Make Mike Huckabee Look Good
Woo Hoo!
Same As It Ever Was
No Demon Electricity
What Were They Thinking?
What Crisis?
Miss It, Noonan! Miss It!
Monday, Monday
Get Well Soon
An Observation
Aren't They Taking the Masks Off a Little Early?
He Learned at the Feet of the Master
Living Overseas As a Child, Perhaps?
Feckless and Ruthless
Stuff White People Like
Of Course He Did
Tulip Mania
An Emblem of Conformity and Hypocrisy
More 70's Music for Monday
In a Perfect World
May? That's Still Two Days Away
Misheard Lyrics
Three Wright Turns Equals One Left Turn
Every Day Is Steely Dan Day
The Angostura-American
That's Why We Call Them ...
Question: How Do I Get Declared Persona Non Grata?
The John McCain Making It As Hard As Possible For Me To Vote For Him National Tour, Stop 1
That's Not An Image I Needed This Early
Dispatch From the Echo Chamber
Crisis? What Crisis?
Global Warming Climate Change
Can It Possibly Be True?
I Need a Drink
What Could I Possibly Add To This?
All I Want is A Frickin' Shark With a Laser On Its Head
Fear the Subjectivity
Virgin Space
Dog Bites Man
Man Bites Dog
Five for Viewing
Is That All You Got?
I Love the Smell of Pine Pollen In the Morning
Rest In Peace Sir
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
Any Chance We Can Make It Permanent?
Sentence of the Week
An Observation About Dangerous Old Men (and Women)
Earth-Healthy Possessions
Do They Know Wolfowitz Isn't There Anymore?
Sing Along
Controlling the Narrative
Adventures In Headline Writing
Public Service
Busy Busy Busy
Do It Again
Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Sure, If You Ignore Inflation
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Babble On, Sister
Big Click
Attention K-Mart Shoppers
Mr. Cub
Less Than Zero
Masters of the Universe
A Senior Moment
There Will Be Floods, of Oil That Is
Ban the Ban, Ban
Better Doesn't Mean Good
The Force Is Strong in This One
... That'll Be the Day I Go Back to Annandale
On Second Thought, Let's Not Go There, 'Tis A Silly Place
Hillary Resigns from Race!
Counting Roosting Chickens at Home Before They Hatch, Or Something
Was There a Doubt?
Mayeb Obama Can Ask Ahmadinejad About This
Nice Try
From the Garden of Hedonism...
China Gets An Abject Lesson In Getting What They Asked For
About Time
Simple Economics
If You Can't Be Trusted With the Little Stuff, How Do We Trust With the Big Stuff?
Gunga Galunga... Gunga, Gunga-Galunga
Cui Bono?
Attention Rich Bastards
What Does It Mean?
Believe It Or Not, Not All the News Out of Zimbabwe Is Bad
Whatever You Do, Don't Mention the Warmening
Luxuries Become Necessities Become Luxuries
Killin' Heller
The Ninth Circle of Heller
What a Maroon
The Wright Stuff
Heller On Earth, Or the Road to Heller Is Paved With Good Intentions
Precious Pretensions, Purple Prose
If You Give Into Them Every Time They Cry, They Will Become Little Tyrants But They Won't Remember Why
Don't Sell Youself Short
Isn't that Special?
Don't Tase Me Bro
Don't Be Weevil
Free Tibet
His Money Isn't Fungible
Freedom Is Slavery, Yada, Yada, Yada
What Would Muhammad Do?
Roger Simons Asks, So I'll Answer
Ends, Means and All That
A Baker's Dozen
Words Fail Me
Liberal Fascism
The Bastards Say, "Welcome"
No Country for Old Men
When You Walk Through the Garden...
It's A Comedy
Props to Andrea
How 'Bout Those Illini
Red, Red Whine
Now, Even Investment Bankers Are Victims To Be Made Whole By the Gummint
Another One Bites the Dust
Is That Obama In Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Glad To See Me?
Believe It Or Not...
I Don't Care Anymore
Free Speech for Me But Not for Thee
Don't Do Drugs
Pool Postponed
Slow News Day
I Never Would Have Guessed that So Much Undue Influence Could Be Purchased So Cheaply
God, I'm Bored Already
Week 2
Dull Boy
John Ashcroft for AG
Let Me Axe You a Question
The iPhones Are Moving Fast
Push On the Poppies and Make 'Em Come Up
Week 1
Caption Contest
Facts Are Hard Things
A Retraction
You Like the Kool-Aid -- and Steve Jobs Knows It
And So It Begins
New and Improved Second Edition Now Available!
I Like Peyton Manning
You'll Get No Argument From Me
The NFL Betting Pool
Fantasy Football Tips (#1 in a Series)
You Can Call Me, Al
Reason Number 476 to Hate Charter Communications
Ok Tiki, So You're a Quitter
Guess the Headline
Is There Anything Global Waming Can't Do?
Of Course, It Worked
Christopher Hitchens is Brilliant
Holy Crap
Imagine Frank Sinatra Singing...
Dear Mr. Foer,
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Orthorectified Caramel
It Which Must Not Be Read Before 12:01 AM, July 20
Down In Plames
Be Careful What You Wish For
Simpleton Math
See What Happens When No One Around Dares To Challenge Or Contradict You
"No, You Misunderstood Me, I Said There Was No Bathing in Blood"
Yoda: "Do Or Do Not. There Is No Try."
Run, Forest Run
Movie Review
Another Attack by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
That's the Chicago Way
Darwin Wins, Again
Whatever You Do, Don't Tell Barry Bonds
Poor You
Woo Hoo
Here's Something Worth a Look
Further San Fermin Festival Follies
Santayana Comes To Mind *
Phil 'Er Up
All We Are Saying ....
I Blame Bush
Help Take a Byte Out of Crime
Gotta Catch 'Em All!
Adventures in Headline Writing
Cognitive Dissonance
Perhaps the Coolest Picture Ever
Open Thread
Anybody Remember What Number I Was On?
It Would Have Made a Better Story in Germ-any
I Can't Wait For The Next Study To Find Out What Men Are Drawn To
Now That's a Headline
Saving the World Ends Not With a Bang, But a Whimper
Not That There's Anything Wrong With That
Pique Oil
Daddy Would Be So Proud
I Want to Party With These Folks
More Information Than You Need
Just Say "No, Thank You"
She'll Be Back
Too Clever by Half
Adventures in Headline Writing
In Case You Were Still Wondering What a Scotsman Wears Under His Kilt
Rocky Mountain Sigh
En Fuego
Johnny Turk He Was Ready, He Primed Himself Well
Sun Set Grilled
Smarts Imitating Life
When Is An Increase Not An Increase?
There's No Need to Fear, Underdog Is Here
Who's Your Mommy Now
I'm Cuckoo for Co-Presidents
They Wouldn't Click It If It Wasn't True
Paranoia Strikes Deep
Giving Prime Minister Brown the Full Monty
Whatever You Do, Don't Mention the War
Freedom of Religion
Because He Will Sell No Whine Before Its Time?
Happy Birthday America
Soul Baring
Oldies, But Goodies
A Bleg
Get Well Soon...
It's Scottish, and It's Crap
An Observation
Meet the New Boss, Same As the Old Boss
When Everybody Is Special ...
"Here's Johnny!"
Woo Hoo!
The Feeling Is Mutual
The Enemy
We're #2!
Woo Hoo!
As Dr. Nick Would Say...
Ku Ku Kachoo
Saturday Night
Is Our Children Learning?
So, Pre-emptive Strikes Are OK?
"Very Harsh Words"
She Says This Like It's a Bad Thing
All Your Childrens Are Belong to Us
Too Much Word Association Football
No Doubt
There Are Still A Few Bastions of Strength and Perseverence
Cymru am Byth
Going Down Swinging
Today's Non-News Story
Necessity Is the Mother of Invention
An Observation
I Blame Bush!
Back to Basics
George Allen, Call Your Office
Ha Ha
Brent Musberger Knows All, Brent Musberger Sees All
Hand Up Vice Handout
Hans Brix Can't Nix Prix Trix
Adventures in Headline Writing
Sure, We're At War
As Elvis Costello Once Sang, "Tiny Steps, Almost Real, Tiny Fingers You Almost Feel"
It's About Time Somebody Stepped Up to the Job
Actually, Contrasts Would Be More Accurate
Road Thrill
The Funniest Thing I've Read All Day
East End Boys, West End Girls... West End Girls
Not That There's Anything Wrong With That...
Down Goes Murtha, Down Goes Murtha
Milton Friedman, R.I.P.
Global Warming
Cue Vera Lynn
But, But, I Thought There Weren't Any WMDS?
If You Want More of Something...
There's Stupid...
Fight Back
Good News
Just In Case You Had Any Illusions About What Is Coming V
The Stuff That Emerges After the Election
Perhaps the Role of Attack Kitty Is Still Available
You Don't Know Jack
Something I Can Do That Instapundit Can't
HDTV Monitor Bleg
Microsoft IE Sucks
Double Standards
Holmes or Clouseau?
Kerry On My Wayward Son
The "New Spirit"
Your Turn
So, Tell Me Again Why We Want to Be More Like the EU
But Won't A Nuclear Winter Solve Global Warming?
The Sky Is Falling, No Really, We Mean It This Time
If You Don't Know Where You're Going, Any Path Will Get You There
A Bridge Too Farsi
Just In Case You Had Any Illusions About What Is Coming IV
In Other Moral Equivocation News...
The Worst Economy In the Last 50 Minutes
"Words, Words, Words" -- Hamlet
Just In Case You Had Any Illusions About What Is Coming III
Global Smarming
Just In Case You Had Any Illusions About What Is Coming II
Just In Case You Had Any Illusions About What Is Coming
Adventures in Headline Writing
They Call It Worker's Paradise, Kiss It Goodbye
The Mote in the Reality-Based Community's Eye
Brass Knuckles
Hats off to the CBC
Google Growth
Pop Quiz
A Serious Question
Famous First Lines
It Just Comes Naturally
Crude Title in Poor Taste Withdrawn
ET, Go Home
You Go, Earnest Young People
Good Riddance
Stay the Curse
Operation Iraqi Freedom
The Election
In Case It Was You Who Were Wondering Via MSN Search ...
Micro, Perhaps. Soft, Without Question
Poisoning the Well
Least Funny Movie Ever Made
I Voted
Is Genuflection a Contraction of Genuine Reflection?
Bumper Stickers for Tomorrow
"Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!"
For What It's Worth
If This Doesn't Seal His Fate...
For the Record
Global Warming, Is There Anything It Can't Do?
Placing Blame Correctly
Mel Gibson Needs to Hire Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's Press Agent
New Flash
The Sternly Worded Letter Is Just Around the Corner
The Grim Schlepper
Woman of the People
No Unverified Accusation Is Too Wild For Reuters
One Word, Are You Listening?
Sometimes You Get the Bear, and Sometimes the Bear Gets You
Pot, Meet Kettle
Ask a Stupid Question...
Freedom Is Slavery
Global Warming, Is There Anything It Can't Do?
In Other Words, He's Afraid They Are Losing
Kofi Break
Can We Start With the Troposphere?
What Happens If israel Takes Them at Their Word?
Stop the Presses!
The Key Word Here is "Win"
Alrighty, Then
The Old Chicken or Egg Problem
If Only I Were Running Caption Contests
Don't Mention the Anti-War
Oskee Wow Wow!
"The Blog, It Just Be Callin' Me"
It's Bearded Spock's Universe, We're Just Living In It
Back Later
Post Deleted
Well, That's Good to Know
Ooohhh, There's a Shock
"What Is the Problem With Michael Jackson?"
Razor Envy
Slow News Day
Correlation = Causation, Big Media Incident #3, 200,341
Keep This In Mind...
To Be Honest, There Is Something Wrong With This
US Out of Earth Now!
We Have a Winner for These Losers
A Word to the Wise
For Fun and Profit!
Apparently, It Really Does Stink
How Do You Say "Knut" ...
Nothing to See Here, Move Along
Their Competence Knows Only Bounds
You Have to Laugh to Avoid Crying
Crazy Like a Rabid Fox
No Doubt He's Doing It to Appease the Base, But Who's Base?
"Club" Gitmo
Silly Question
Stupidity Is On the Rise
John Conyers Practices His Impeachment Hearings
Protean Wisdom
Viva La Revolucion!
Like Father, Like Son
Decisions, Decisions
Make A Wish
The World Turned Upside Down Under
Catching Up
Big Media, (Hog)Warts and All
"Kobe, I'm Open"
"Thriving, But Crowded Market"
Dear Blogging Software Writers...
You Load 16 Megatons, Whaddaya Get?
I Am the Singularity
Una Paloma Ummah
More Adventures in Headline Writing
Only Nixon Can Go to China
Pretty Man, Pretty Woman
Guns or Butter, In Another Context
Proof that John Kerry Is a Vampire
Blame Bush!
Not Shelves, Walls You Imbeciles!
Hairy Potter
Adventures in Headline Writing
Tennessee Is Rapidly Replacing Oklahoma as Tornado Alley
Unfortunate Coincidence
"A Man's Got to Know His Limitations" -- Harry Callahan
MWBB - Special New Orleans Edition
I'm Just Asking
Luddites Unite!
April Fools
Through the Omphaloscope
Balanced Views
Like Stan Once Said, "Dude, What the F*** Is Wrong With German People?"
Police Brutality
A Serious Pet Peeve
Me Neither
Thanks for Not Sharing
The Rooftops My Friend, Are Blowin' in the Wind
Hey, I Can See Right Through Their Thobes
A Pack, Not a Herd
Ford Has a Worser Idea
Stockholm, Eurabia Syndrome
Mohamed's Radio-active
Again, How Do You Parody the Absurd?
And We All Know How Much Mr. Bonds Insists Upon Following the Law
Mani is the Mortal Foe of Nuance
UNbelievable (Well, Not Really)
And In Really Important News...
Is It Coincidence that "Sheen, Ha" Is An Anagram of Sheehan?
Now That's Progress!
No Further Comment Necessary
Lex Luthor Showed Us the Way
Simple Math
She Learnt at the Master's Knee
What's Good for the Goose
"La La La La La La La La ..."
With Apologies to Monty Python
Adventures in Headline Writing
Zen and the Art of Crumbling Empire Maintenance
Global Warming Landmarks
More Evidence That It Really Is Hard Out Here for a Pimp
I Have To Highlight This Poll
Dog Bites Man
Never Say, "Never Again"
Abraham Lincoln Once Said...
What Happens On the Day Kim Jong-Il Wakes Up...
In Answer to Those of You Not From the Greater St. Louis Area...
If Only He Were President...
Adventures in Headline Writing
Michael Moore Should Be Happy
Reading, Writing, and Watching TV
Going Down, Er, I Mean, Rejected
Sell the Fizzle
You Want to Know Why the U.N. Isn't Doing Anything About the Genocide in Darfur?
It's Effective...
Not Counting My Chickens Yet...
Mama Always Said...
I Was Wrong
Woo Hoo!
.. Five Ringy Dingy
... Or About Five Minutes If You Were Serious About It
Charles Needs...
Woo Hoo!
Religion of Peace
So, Does This Mean the Bush Economy Isn't a Disaster?
Pro-Choice or Pro-Life
Whatever You Do, Don't Mention the Sun's Radiation
I'm Curious
Big Time Bloggers Make Me Proud
Life Imitates Art
Didn't Ed Meese Get a Lot of Criticism for This Sort of Thing?
A Test
I'm Just a Soul Whose Intentions Are Bad...
I Hear You Knockin' on Al Roker's Door, I Love You Baby Can I Have Some More...
SQNCC #4 Is In the Can
If You Insist
Adventures In Headline Writing
Dog Bites Man
The Sky is Falling, Rising, Cooling, Heating -- Whatever
Olympic Thoughts
Cheney -- Trap or Skeet?
We Have a Grinner
Al Gore Decides to Give Ramsey Clark a Run for His Money
The Crips and Bloods are Pikers Compared to This Gang
Apres Moi le Deluge
Today's Bad Deed
Did I Miss Something?
What Message?
OK, Fine
Essential Reading
Karl Rove: Genius
Good Night, Sweet Prints
Insulted Lutherans Burn Poughkeepsie to the Ground
Happy Anniversary
NPR Lies With Statistics
Adventures in Headline Writing
Perhaps Cuba, Venezuela and Syria Don't Suspect...
Laugh? I Thought I'd Die
Well, You've Always Said You Can't Get No Satisfaction
Isn't That Special?
The Important Thing to Remember...
They Call It Paradise...
SQNCC #2 Final
The Ugly Underbelly of the Information Age
What If He's Right? About Bombing Iran, I Mean
Psychologists Call It Projection
Just the Facts, M'am
Meanwhile, Andres Serrano and Chris Ofili Could Not Be Reached for Comment
Adventures in Headline Writing
The Empire Strikes Back
Multiple Choice (But Not for Long)
Bring It On
Illiberte, Fratricide, Palestine
Patton's Shade Reminds Us that No One Ever Won a War by Dying for His Country
Lie Down With Anti-Capitalist Running Dogs
Two More Days
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Wall
Get Well Soon
Today's Random Lyric Snippet
Inside the Fantasies of Karl Rove
Kick the Can
Adventures in Headline Writing
You Know What This Means
But None Dare Call It...
Untaxing Ourselves to Properity
I'd Like to Think It is Because Facts Matter More Than Truth in Reporting
A Nobel Peace Prize Nomination Cannot Be Far Behind
Be Careful What You Wish For
Tag, I'm It
Crap, and Not Crap
Fantasy Football 2005 Wrap
Woo Hoo!
"No Controlling Legal Authority"
Charlie Manson Had a Similar Theory
You're Nothing But a Lap Dog Cat To a Slip of a Girl
What's Up Doc?
Well Then, There's Only One Thing Left To Do
Peace Negotiations In Our Time
Note to Jimmie Johnson
Shameless Plug
Did I Mention That I Despise the U.N.?
Reuters' Grasp on the Short and Curlies of the Bleeding Obvious Remains Vise-Like
A Santayana Aphorism Comes to Mind
You Won't Hear This on 60 Minutes
Maybe I'll Be the Anti-Lileks
Democratic Arithmetic
26 Years Ago
Ooo, There's a Surprise
He's Right
There Weren't Seven, Were There?
Beyond the Palin
Can You Hear Me Now?
I Blame Bush
Captions R Us
Or What?
Paging Dr. Moe, Paging Dr. Larry, Paging Dr. Schumer
Friends Indeed
Feast or Famine
Somebody's Glass Is 4.9% Empty
I Understand He Eats Babies Too
We Could Just Shoot Them
Lies! Lies!
I'm Feeling Pretty Good About Iraq's Future
Don't Just Do Something, Sit There!
Meanwhile in the, Ahem, Reality-Based Community...
No, But Beating Them Down Well Might Be
Bow Down Before "The Report"
Pay No Attention to the Jihadi Behind the Curtain
We're Doomed!
Adventures in Headline Writing
Merry Christmas
Enquiring Minds and All That
YAPP (Yet Another Posting Post)
Is There Anybody Out There
Still Deciding
MDA Labor Day Telethon
New Orleans
Woo Hoo!
Open Topic
My Better Half
70's Or Bust
Gee, I Hope They Don't Acquire a "Laser"
Offered Without Comment
Cherry Picking In the Antarctic
Because They Can't?
Pat Robertson Is a Good Christian
You Forgot the Qualifier Governor
All Eight of Them?
"I'm Going To Focus On This Problem Like a Laser Beam"
Smells Like Katrina's Spirit
No Oil for Blood!
The World's Greatest Deliberately Obnoxious Body
Can You Hear Me Now?
Can Subjectivity Be Analyzed Objectively?
The Sweet Smell of Nostalgia
I Expect the DNC to Release the Dogs on the Mehlman Anytime Now
Even Reuters Is Right Twice a Day
The Torch Flames Out
Hope Springs Eternal
I Don't Think Even Marlin Perkins Would Go For This One
When Ya Comin' Back, Slim Shady?
Tired Eyes (Two Weeks Left)
May Be Armed and Dangerous
We Need More Cowbell
Life Is More Than Fair
I'm Impressed
And While I'm In a Bitchy Mood
Some People Just Need Killin'
Color Me Surprised
How Can You People Sleep At Night?
"I'm Just a Soul Whose Intentions Are Good..."
Cindy Sheehan's Fair Wail Tour
Fascist, Sneezing, Dipped in Chocolate -- It's All the Same Thing
But Of Course
Iran, Iran So Far Away
Whither Zinfandel
Expecto Patronum!
I Guess Oil Would Be $150 a Barrel If We Hadn't Invaded Iraq And Stole All Their Oil
Totally Unwarranted Projection of Bias
Woo Hoo!
More Hot Air
Cosmic Justice
Close the Barn Door, All the Isotopes Are Getting Away!!
Convicted? Um...
Busy Workday
Tom Petty Was Wrong
High Times
Aren't These Funds Usually Called Taxes?
Life Is Not Fair
States 51-54? 55? 56? 57?
Thank You, God
Findin An Empty Bottle Shouldn't Present Any Problems
People Are Cats Too
We've Got the Bleat
At Play in the Fields of the Bored
A Man For All Seasons
Originality Is Overrated
The Road to Hell
Note to James Lileks
Uh, No Actually
Pity Poor Benan
Ticking Away the Moments That Make Up a Dull Day
Masters of the Universe
I Beg to Differ
Meanwhile, Back in the Gutter
So That's How Rove Is Doing It
Thank You For Your Service Nanny, But We've Decided to Go a Different Way
We Can Only Hope
How Do We Know Hizb-ut-Tahrir Is Non-Violent?
Note to K-Lo
Hiroshima, Anti-Historical Reviisionism III
A Moment in Time
Perception Is Not Reality
Watching the Watchers
And Who, Pray Tell, Is the Palestinian Nelson Mandela? Or Desmond Tutu?
Every Silver Cloud
Over Hair, Over Hair
A Quixotic Request
Just Between Me and You...
Free Leopard Gecko To Good Home
Hiroshima, Anti-Historical Revision Post II
A Geek Moment
Non Sequitur Alert!
Because Nothing Gives You Street Cred Like...
Spot the Oxymoron
So Will This Help Or Hurt Tourism?
I Am Offended By the NCAA
Hiroshima, It's Personal
Rummy Jones and the Last Crusade?
Paying Off Dr. Evil?
Woo Hoo!
Well, That Takes Care of Step One
Hmm..., Maybe I'd Better Resurrect Phaedrus
The Democrats Are Toast
I Blame the Extension of Daylight Savings Time
Now We Can Find Out Definitively Whether Republicans Really Do Want to Kill Old People
My Two Cents
Senator Leahy Is A Partisan Asshat
Dissent Is Patriotic!
The DNC Agenda
Nuking Mecca
The Gassy Knoll
The But Plug
Oh Dear
Stone Casting
"I'm From Hollywood"
There Be Lions Here
In the Immortal Word of Dr. Rene Belloq...
Hyperbolic Reflections
Alvy Sings
You Say Potato
Separated at Birth? (Certainly Not at Conception!)
Property Right End! Women, Minorities Hit Hardest?
"By Your Leave"
A Man's Home Is His Castle, Unless a Well Connected Developer Can Convince Four or Five Elected Souls With Pure Hearts that He Can Generate More Public Wealth From It Than You Can
A Clever Wag...
Yet Another Reason to Not Give a Damn What the Rest of the World Thinks
Monday, 8:24 PM, CDT
Ten Things
Nicolo Would Be Proud
The Durbinator: He's Back
One Man's Chrstianity is Another Man's Voodoo
But We Can Trust Them Now
Adventures In Headline Writing
You're Either With Us Or Against Us
Yes, and No
So, The War Would Have Been OK If Your Son Hadn't Died?
The Big Sleazy
And They Lived Wealthily Ever After
I'm Gonna Gitcha Gitcha Gitcha Gitcha, One Day, Maybe Next Week, I'll Gitcha, I'll Gitcha
The Thriller
The Western Omelette
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. CX
The Downing Street Memo
Blah Blah Blah
Right Unilateral Bastards, Those Scandanavians
Fashion is Spoiled Cabbage
I Predict!
Normal Will Soon Be the Minority
99 Days of de Villepin on the Wall
George Fools 'em Again
Howard! Duck!
HGM* Strikes Again
Genuflecting at the Lourdes of Journalism
Looks Like I Picked a Bad Day to Stop Drinking
Mission Impeachable
Revenge of the Sith
Duty, Honor, Country
Pro Bono
And I Thought It Was the Borg That Assimilated Everyone
Do We Even Need a UN Ambassador?
Cheap Trick
I'm Curious
Unshirted Hell
Master Sergeant of the Universe
Epistemology 101
Crazy, Like V. Fox
I Predict...
I Am Tiger Woods
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Quick Hits
Seven Days Without Blogging Makes One Weak
They're Comin' Right For Us
Mathematical Illiteracy Comes In Many Forms
Labour's Love Lost
Cold Affront
Personally, I Thought It Sucked
Isn't It Considered a Faux Pas When a Political "Economist" Accidentally Tells the Truth?
Was It Shaped Like a Pretzel?
Celebrating Diversity
Strange Days
Remember Ellen, It Can Always Be Worse
Ah, the Permanent Campaign
Oh Dear
Well, I'm From Philadelphia...
Oh, and About Your Opposition to the Death Penalty...
Freedom is Slavery
Must Suppress Instincts ... This Is a PG Blog
Damn Kirstie Alley Wannabees
A Touch of Grey (Lady)
Is the Pope Still Catholic?
On the Streets Where I Live
Thoughts On the 2005 NFL Draft
Ladies, Start Your Engines
I Was 70's When 70's Wasn't Cool
Habemus Papam
Live From RDU, It's Wednesday Afternoon!
Is There Anything More Tedious and Tendentious...
Rush Is Wrong
Who Knew Mark McGwire Is a Catholic Priest?
Never Say Never Again
Did You Ever Notice...
Let's Check In On the Man Who Would Be King, and His Little Buddy
Keep Your Friends Close, Keep Your Enemies Even Closer
A Non-Cohen Scourge
The Most Credible Antiwar, Anti-Iraq Critic Globally
I Didn't Know They Made Barn Doors That Big
Note to All Basketball Talking Heads
Live-Blogging the NCAA Championship
Final Four Thoughts
Oh Yeah
If I Had Done It When I Held a Security Clearance I Would Have Went to Jail
Kinda Fonda Fonda
No True Scotsman... Fallacy
I Sing This Song Because I Love the Man
Obscure Thought
I Genuflect to Ronald Reagan for Bringing Down Communism in Europe
The Cubs?
He's a Good Man, But I Can't Resist
I've Seen It a Hundred Times and It Just Keeps Getting Better Every Time
The Heated, Bordering on Insane Fight Over Terri Schiavo
Terri Schiavo
Reuters Is On a Roll
Is the Glass Half Full or Is It's Semi-Completeness Being Used to Oppress Minorities and Destroy the Earth?
Today's Final Four Thoughts
A Few More Thoughts
A Copy
No. 1 UNC Loses!
Hubba Hubba Hubba
Galaxy Quest
Oh Well
Missing the Point, Again
Yeah, Baby
More Adventures in Headline Writing
Adventures in Headline Writing
Total Qualitiless Management
Don't Worry, Everybody's Brackets Got Hammered
Well, the Good Guys Wear White, Right Billy?
If You Worked for CBS...
The Eternal Optimist
We're # 1!
Tin Ear
The Angry Left Just Can't Handle the Truth
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Been Berry, Berry Good To Me
Terri Schiavo
That's Strange
Republican Ideological Purity
Maybe It Will Offset Global Warming
Belated Clever Post
Dumb As a Boxer of Rocks
Rehabilitation, My Ass
Bill Self Ruins the Storyline
And Mark McGwire's Just A Beefed-Up Liar In D.C. You Know Where That's At
Maybe I Should Have Put Some Money On It
Any Mention of Umberto Eco ...
Maybe LaRussa Thinks Jose Canseco Is Dan Brown's Ghostwriter
Vice Versa
Ideological Purity
All College Team
Live Blogging the NCAA Tournament Selection
Another Painful Lesson About To Be Relearned In Britain
Some Blogosphere
Yasser Arafat Was a Crook? Who Knew?
The "Reality"-Based Community
My Apologies for Not Thinking of It Earlier
This Is a Test of the Emergency Blogosphere System
I Can Be So Cruel
Stupid Polls
T4 - YEEEEAAAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!! of the Democratic Machine
I Cheated Myself Out of an Instalanche
I'm with Busey
Just Do It
I Feel Like...
Even When It Isn't Business...
Too Whiny?
Great Minds and All That
A Few Random Thoughts
The Rule of Man
Help Me Information, Get Me Sunny Miami
Just Because
The Blog of Lists
Shut Up Chuck
Bill Gates Is a Smart Man
U.S. Death Toll In Iraq Approaches 10,111,011,100
Slow News Day
Don't Just Do Something, Stand There!
I'm Sick, I'm Sick, You Know It
Shame Canada!
Why Should We Listen To You Brent Stormscowcroft?
Mind The Gap ....
Tes Rall's Never Met Richard Cohen
Does This Mean Iran Is a Boggart?
They Call It Paradise
This Is Major Tom to Ground Control...
It's Not That People Are Stupid
Apolitical Correctness
Cave of Wonders, Aaarrrhhhkkk!
Of Course, This Ship Would Never Have Been Built If He Had Any Say In the Matter
They Are Still Giants Walking the Earth
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. CIX
Richard Cohen
There Will Always Be an England
A Request
Estorica, Inc.
Incongruous Headline and Picture
I Rule!
Turnabout Is Fair Play
Speaking of the US Navy
Well, They Do Say "Be Very Quiet" On Submarines
Be the News, Danny
Just an Observation, Not a Value Judgment
The Ditch at the Bottom of the Slippery Slope
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha
The Government Is Hiding the Truth In Area 9/11
Get Well Soon Mr. Snow
Iran, Iran So Far Away
You Go Girls
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha
Good Thing They Are Professionals
Rule Number 1
A Slow News Day
Crisis? What Crisis?
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha
Come On
George Micheal Must Be Kicking Off Yet Another Fare Thee Well Tour
Pity Poor Tucker
Now That's a Headline
Big News?
Send Me Your Tired, Your Hungry, Your Poor... and the Other Ones Too
Red Ken's Seeing Red
Pity Zimbabwe
Good Thing She Wasn't Dutch
Not Another Kennedy in the Senate
Just Born at the Right Time, I Guess
The Running Man
And So It Begins
Heaven (On Earth) Can Wait
Is Mark Krikorian a Mole at NRO?
Semper Fi
Cutting Edge Super Journalism
Child Molesting Coward
Non Sequitur or OxyMoron?
This Is a Good Thing
Haven't We Heard This Before?
Congratulations to the New England Patriots
This Will Be Fun
How Noble of Them
There Are Three Answers To Any Yes Or No Question
SOTU, As If...
The Company You Keep
Shameless Linkwhoring
All Vietnam, All the Time
Time to Reupholster the State Democratic Chairs
Hey, I'm Just Asking
One Last Thought For Tonight
I'm Warning You Now
Watch Out for the DU Pigeons
Taking Out the Eurotrash
Mauve Finger
The Year Thus Far
Promotion Night in Class A Ball
Deja Vu
Breaking News from CBS
If This Is Global Warming, Faster Please
Anything You Can Do I Can Do Badder
Light Posting
A Few Random Thoughts the Next Day
The Ugly Stepsister Speaks
From the Department of Redundancy Department (Or Is It the Bureau of the Bleeding Obvious?)
Today in Sports
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
No, No, No, No
Happy New Year!
Homer Nods
What Passes for News In December
Not Exactly Scylla and Charybdis Now Is It?
"Father Christmas, Give Us Some Money"
Doesn't James Taranto Call This the Roe Effect?
And So This Is Christmas
Are You My Friend?
Just Because
Fantasy Football
The Hardest Working Blog in the Business?
Zoom Zoom
Speaking of Advertising...
Not Content With Just Being a Loser?
Who is John Galt?
Worst Kept Secrets
Can You Imagine a Headline Like This One Year Ago?
Poisoning the Well
Why I Haven't Been Blogging Much
Has Karl Rove Selected Rudy Guiliani for 2008?
While Media Eyes Roll...
Is That All?
Happy Thanksgiving!
European Values
Letting the Lunatics Run the Asylum
Who Let the Blogs Out?
Enlightenment Ends! White Men, Conservatives Hit Hardest
One Small Problem
It is the Season For Mulled Wine
A Finger in the Dike
The Yolks On You
In the Immortal Words of Yoda...
Enquiring Minds and All That
May I Suggest, "Murderer's Row"
The Realignment is Real
Fact Checking Her, Um, Facts
A Heartfelt Thank You
Pity Poor Barbara Plett Today
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. CVIII
Is It Alright to Speak Ill of the Virtually Dead?
Get Well Soon
But When I Became I Man, I Put Away Childish Things
When Your Answers Don't Add Up, Check Your Assumptions
Elections and Allies
Did D.C. Become a State When I Wasn't Looking?
And So, CBS Sucked It?
Gracious and Good
The Morning After
1955 CST: I Remain Extremely Optimistic
I'm Back
Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, They Say It's My Birthday!
Administrative notes: comments
America Is From Mars, Europe Is From Venus
A Typo?
Hope Is Not on the Way -- It's Here!
Administrative message re comments
Burning Bush -- Heh
Brother, Can You Spare a Couple Ounces of HMX?
An Omen?
Bryant Gumbel -- A Painfully Silly Man
I'm Not Saying They're Crazy, But They Are Saying Crazy Things
Suha Will Always Have Paris
Lysenko Lives
Alright, Where's That Damn Goat
Never Let 'Em See You Sweat
The Heartland
As In 2000 ...
We Know John Kerry Likes the UN...
Maybe They Scare Miss Elizabeth Too
Cheney's Reading My Blog!
Why Kerry's Preoccupation With Vietnam Worries Me
World Series Game 1 Random Thoughts
Team America: World Police -- The Review
Why Do I Think He's Probably Opposed to the Death Penalty?
My Version of Hell Has a Dance Floor and a Mirror Ball
While We're on Movies...
When You Really Want to Know, Ask an Amateur
Bullies and Thugs Can Carry Briefcases Too
I've Got to Be A Macho Man
"Damn the Proles, Full Speed Ahead" -- It's Not Just for Liberals Anymore
Personally, I Think He Never Forgave Them for the South Park Episode Titled, Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods
Frankly, I've Been Waiting for this Shoe to Drop For a While Now
Now They're Just Bein' Mean
Israel's Getting in the Halloween Spirit a Little Early
Duck Season
Big Media Love Fest--Is It Fair to Voters?
Remember the Good Old Days When Candidates Would Slug It Out On the Hustings?
Yea, But Has he Mastered the Pinkie Thing Yet?
Administrative announcement: comments
A Plea for Your Vote Based Upon What Is at Stake
Happy With the Results of Your Rhetoric Senator Kerry?
I Promise
There's Something About Mary
There Are Times When I Fear for Our Democracy
Boys and Their Toys
Of Course, I'm Going To Go See It Anyway
Cue the Zither Music
The Final Debate
The Tillman Rangers
Manuel, Let Me Explain
Pre-Debate Live Blogging
Oh Baby!
Bad Science, Or What Happens When Journalists Rely on the DNC for Objective Information About President Bush's Environmental Record
Propoganda for Me, But Not for Thee
When the Going Gets Tough
Smack 'Em on the Head and Shout, "Heal"
Paid Forward In Full
Bunnies, My Ass
Not One Cent for Tribute
My Lucky Number's One
Speaking of Red Pills Behind the Sofa Cushions...
I Know I'm Not Supposed to Say This, But...
Unusually Suspect
Hey Everybody!
My View From Planet Earth
Plastic Guns
Da Debate
Still More Great Moments in the 2000 Election Campaign -- Relived
More Great Moments in the 2000 Election Campaign -- Relived
Great Moments in the 2000 Election Campaign -- Relived
In Other News...
It's Only a Matter of Time
October Minus Four Surprise
Mutual Assured Distraction
Hurricane Jimmuh's Winds Are Picking Up To Devastate Florida
Comparing 2000 to 2004, Electorally Speaking
Kicking It Up A Notch
Oh Yeah, That'll Work
Thus Sprach the Dauphin
Gee, They Say That Like It's a Bad Thing
The Chico Esquela Foreign Policy
The C Words
Assume the Position
Look! There's Elvis!
Say Goodnight, Gracie
Fake But Accurate
Ya Know...
What Did Dan Rather Know and When Did He Know It?
Too Little, Too Late
A Better Mousetrap?
Separated at Birth?
Compare and Contrast
1984 (Reagan, Not Orwell)
Guess Those Dinner Invitations Must've Started Getting Scarce
Line of the Year
I Never Thought I'd Write This
Edward R. Murrow Would Be So Proud (cont.)
So I'm a Bastard, Eh Juan?
I Think We're In the Banging the Table Stage
T - 12 Minutes
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. CVII
Enemies No More
Equal Time?
This Ain't Beanbag, Nor Hong Kong for that Matter
"Cut Me Mick, Cut Me"
What a Great Time to Be Alive
The Scorched Earth Campaign
The Original Copy?
Go Ahead, Make My Day
Haute, Or Should I Say, Haughty Couture
Never Again
Sad, Very Sad
Tonight on CNN!
And We'll Believe Them, Because...?
They Harder They Come, The Harder They Fall
The Informal "Edward R. Murrow Would Be So Proud" Poll
I Can't Wait to Not Pledge This Year
I Predict
Smell the Desperation
The Bribed and Coerced Are People Too
Sui Generis
Who You Calling Unilateral?
Inside Blogball
The Hunt for a Clue Goes On
Showing Up to a Battle of Wits Unarmed
Meet the Depressed
Unhappy New Year
Blaming the Victim
One Out of Three is Bad
Why Charlie Gibson Gets the Big Bucks
Washington Post Suggests Sticking to What Was Actually Said, At Least In Some Cases
What the ...?
I Quit Quitting
Full of Sound and Fury...
Flawed Premise
The Peter Principle
Lighten Up
Good News For Zimbabwe
"Help Me, Mr. Wizard"
Six Degrees of Karl Rove
A Girly Man With Broad Shoulders
What Liberal Media?
Nattering Nabob of Negativity
Cash and Kerry
Polite Society Ain't What It Used to Be
Note to Taranto
Respected Abroad -- By Any Means Necessary
All the Views Fit to Print
Which Is Worse?
Peace of the Grave
I Am Pissed Off -- Rant and Roll
Dog Bites Man
Is There An Alternative Radio Broadcast of the Olympics?
Yea, Yea, Yea
Nothing To See Here, Keep Moving
Paul Krendler, Call Your Office
Who'da Thunk It?
The Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost
There Have to Be Consequences
Strange Magic
Those Damn Republicans!
And They Call It...
Bring It On...
Nothing to See Here, Move Along
New Math
Have It Your Way
Like Mike?
Variations on a Theme
Captions Aweigh
Yes, No, and Hell No!
The Daily Ablution
The Manchurian Candidate
A Gift for Understatement
President Gore-Kerry and 9/11
Michael Moore is an Asshole
Nomar is a Cub
Its Like High School All Over Again
John F. Kerry
Miscellaneous Thoughts
Attention Bloggers at the DNC Convention
In Other News...
Best of the Web
Mr. Hawkins' Opus
Spot the Cognitive Dissonance
Compassionate Libertarianism
TNR - Not a Serious Publication
When Lord Hutton Speaks...
One Heartbeat Away From the Presidency
Administrative message
Drip... Drip... Drip
Uncommonly Good, Even When We Know Where It Comes From
It Is So Much Easier To Destroy Than To Build
Dead Man Walking
Oh, Um, About That Inflation Problem On the Horizon
Perhaps a Mirror Might Help
Hindsight For Thee But Not For Me
In Other News
Slice of Life
Double Secret Reverse Psychology?
Close to Home
He's Not Fat
Jew Bullets
An Extraneous F From the Big He, Who, Incidentally, Did Not Serve In Vietnam
Ad Hoc
I Know Why the Caged Hamster Sings
As If I Needed Another Reason To Despise the 911 Commission
Andrew Sullivan, Again
Favorite Fictional Characters
Andrew Sullivan
Goodbye President Reagan
We're Supralegal Now!
I Hope It Hurt, A Lot
What Is This, 1984?
Shithead Scumball (Rhyming Slang)
Post Deleted
That's Funny, I Think the Same Thing About Green Party Members
I Will Keep Repeating This Until Everyone Understands It
I Voted For Him Twice
What Liberal Media?
Just An Observation, Not a Value Judgment
Who Said Irony Is Dead?
Name Change
Peace... the Next Best Thing to Freedom
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. CVI
Rowan Atkinson's Revenge
In the Tank
At Least Women Are Not Hit Hardest
What's Wrong With This Picture?
The Day Before Tomorrow
The Bad, the Ugly, and the Good
Just an Observation
What Is the Demographic for the Discovery Science Channel?
True Believers
Stupid Is As Stupid Does
Far Too Stupid To Be Taken Seriously
"McCarthyism" Jumps the Shark
Didn't You Used to Gray Davis?
My Wife Sits Down On the Stairs and Stares Into Air, There's No One There
Hey, That's My House!
Nothing to See Here
John Z. Kerry
"I Can Crush Heads Too!"
Yes? No?
Seperated at Birth?
Tomorrow's Fish and Chip Paper
As Richard Pryor Once Said...
My Home Town
Lest We Forget...
Every Little Bit Helps
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. CV
"Link to the video here."
The Usual Suspects
Hey, Tim Russert's Got a New Book To Sell
Wasn't the 2000 Election Al Gore's to Lose?
I Wish I Knew
Me Neither
So Why Pretend, This Is the End, You Have To Find Out For Yourself, Go On Ask Somebody Else
Air American't! (or Err America!)
I See Dead Institutions, They're Everywhere, and They Don't Even Know They're Dead
Livin' On Tulsa Time
Tour de French-Looking Senator From Massachussetts, Who By the Way Served in Vietnam
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. CIV
Right Said Ted
Not Quite Right
More 70's Music!
See If You Can Spot the Difference
100 Years Ago Today
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. CIII
All I Want For Christmas...
Semper Fi
Win Every Battle, Lose the War
Back By Popular Demand
And the New York Times Said Bush Is Dead, and the War's Begun
Juan F'n Wiliams
Give 'Til It Helps
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. CII
I Love the 70's
Life Is a Rock, But WLS Rolled Me
The Legend Lives On from the Chippewa On Down
Now Your Daddy’s in the Den Shootin’ Up the Evening News
We Just Disagree
Oh by the Way, Which One's Pink?
Passion Is No Ordinary Word
This Rearrangement Suits Me Now I Must Confess
And Every Day, Every Night Time I Feel
The Girls Want to Be With the Girls
I've Never Really Done This Kind of Thing Before, Have You?
I Got a Brand New Crypto PKI
One Toke Over the Line
Wasn't that Chopin?
Show and Tell
I Am 1/32 Cherokee
I'm Getting Closer to My Home
I'd Really Love to See You Tonight
Fire On High
More, More, More Part 1
Rock The Boat
Rikki, Don't Lose That Number
I'm Back
See Ya Sometime Next Week
Uh Oh
Und Now Is the Time on Sprockets When We Paint
Rhymes With Turd
"Was I Talking to You?"
"You Want Fries With Your Legacy?"
Get a Grip Andrew -- No, Not That One
There Was a UFO Attack in My Hometown
You're Mired!

Richard Clarke, Incompetent Bureaucrat
Be Careful What You Ask For
Woo Hoo!
Business As Usual
Fair and Balanced, Not
Our Loss
Wouldn't a Non-Partisan Commission Be Preferable?
Bad Cop, Worse Cop
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
Freudian Slip
Brave New World
One Man's Graphic Realism Is Another Man's Celebratory Image
Protein Wisdom or Air America?
No Snide Comment or Humorous Anecdote In This Post
Master of the Universe Wannabe
This Election Will Be a Blast!
Isn't "Lawyer" Redundant Here?
Duke Blue Devils Rejoice
Antipodean Accolades
Off With Their Heads!
Podiatric Punditry
At the Movies, Or Which Has a Higher Fat Content, Roger Ebert's Head or Roger Ebert's Torso?
The Unbearable Lightness of Kerry
D-lite (Republicans for Kerry)
And 1
Hiatus Interruptus
Our British Cousins
Adding Sugar to the Sour Grapes
Another Argument for Home Schooling
Word Association Football (Political, Natch)
Maybe the Critics Have a Point
Just Call Me Mr. Grumpy
Careful What You Ask For
Yea, There's a Reason
The Passion of the Reviewers
Please Spare Me
Hurtling Towards the Cliff
It's Only A Movie
DNC's Playhouse
What's Wrong With This Picture?
A Question (Well, Several Actually)
Attention Reuters!
Woo Hoo!
A Rare Baseball Post
This May Be Much Bigger Than You Think
Could This Make Sense to You?
What If ...
Speaking Of Martin Niemoller…
The UN in a Nutshell
What Liberal Bias?
A Modest Proposal
Perhaps Lieutenants Aren't So Bad After All
Repeating History
Boy, I Bet He Really Let Mugabe Have It!
Kerry Establishes His Boner Fides
Drugs Are Bad, So Don't Do Drugs, 'Cause Drugs Are Bad
This Is My First, and Hopefully My Last, Post on Scott Peterson
Has That Thing Got a Hemi?
He Blinded Me With Pseudo-Science
Upside Down
Big Gnosticism
Vive Le Difference!
Pretty Pennies
Midlife Crisis
Don't Want My M T V
Al Bore
(Lack of) Adventures in Headline Writing
I See I'm Not Alone
If They Only Had a Brain
Sad Day for the DNC
Stargazy Pie
It's Not TV...
Well Sure, But What About Everything Else for the Past Fifteen Years?
If History Repeats Itself, the First Time as Tragedy, the Second Time as Farce, What Is the Proper Description for the 9,045 Occurrence... So Far This Year?
Fantasy Football
Polls and the Polling Pollsters Who Poll Them
Star Gazing With Jack Horkheimer
Back In a Few...
Andrew Sullivan
The Big Loser
Maybe Nobody Told Wes Yet
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
State of the Union
Deja Vu
A Bad Meme
A Thought Experiment
Why Bother?
Art and "Art"
A Silver Lining?
Deficits Do Matter
Strange Typos
At the Movie Reviews
Bloody Anglophile
Butt Experts
Red Rover, Red Rover, Let Martians Come Over
Apparently Iraqi's Aren't People
About Those Free Speech Zones
Gore Has a Betterer Idea
Quick Hits
Poster Boy
Georgia On My Mind
National (Not Re)Public(an) Radio)
My Much Better Half
Speaking of Yoda...
Yoda Says...
Third Way or Third Rail?
What Arnold's Up Against
Arnold Rises to the Occasion
Viva Mexico!
Bullies Always Pick on the Smaller Kids
Civics 102
Meanwhile In Ohio...
As Lyle Lovett Once Sang...
Deaf, Dumb, and Blind
Today's Magic Wand Award Goes To...
To Infinity, and Beyond!
Pete Rose
Howard's a Deep Linker
Banging on the Plots and Plans
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
I Want My CourtTV!
With Friends Like These...
"Judy, Judy, Judy"
Guilty Pleasures
Meanwhile, Back at Kerry Campaign Headquarters...
But What About Their Self Esteem?
Tony, Tony, Tony
Diplomacy Kills!
Woo Hoo!
Fool Me Once, Shame On You
Just Freakin' Great
If Howard Dean Doesn't Get the Democratic Nomination...
Tomorrow's Fish and Chip Paper
At The Movies
How-weird Can It Get?
Cold Comfort
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. CI
Jewelry Shopping Online
Get Thee To a Bloggery!
The Triumph of Hope Over Experience
Last Post of 2003
A Modest Suggestion
I'm So Lucky
How Many Votes Is That Again Mr. Gephardt?
2004 Bush Victory Margin Reduced to 11%
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. C
The Wright Stuff
Innocent Until Proven Guilty?
Jeez, If You Have To Explain Them, It Just Isn't Worth It
Meanwhile, At An Undisclosed Location...
To Blog Or Not to Blog
Ace of Spades
Random Shots
Stick a Fork In Him
They're So Mad They Can't See Straight
What Part of "No" Didn't They Understand?
If It Wasn't For the UN...
And You Thought Al Haig Was Bad
Our Friends and Allies
Why Hasn't This Made Instapundit?
"There's No Reason To Get Snippy About It"
On Bended Knee or On His Knees?
Joe's Done
Vox Populi, Vox Humbug
A Question
I Haven't Forgotten
The Appearance of Propriety
Passing the Flaming Bag of Poo
About Time
One Big Thing
Happy Now?
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. XCIX
Off Topic
88 Lines for 44 Years
Smells Like Dean Spirit
Hey Joe, Where You Goin' With That Mic In Your Hand
Best Halloween Costume 2003
But, Of Course, There's Always the Stoopider Party
Civics for Utopians
It's Not Fair!
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. XCVIII
Cut and Run
Or Maybe It's Just the Sun
The United Nations
Axis of Weevil
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. XCVII
When the Going Gets Tough...
Quagmire Alert!
"I Do Not Approve Of Your Methods!"
A Darwin Award Candidate
Meanwhile, In Bizarro World...
So Sophisticated
Dave "Killer" Carlson, Uh ..., I Mean ..., Trent "Killer" Lott
Adventures in Headline Writing
Objective Journalism
A Zell of a Guy
I'm Too Sexy For Cornfields
Bottom Line
Culture Cloture
Influential Books
The Odor Speaks
Terri Schindler Schiavo
Accidents Will Happen
Separated at Birth?
Mutual Assured Destruction
Of Course, Arnold Still Won't Give Them Driver's Licenses
Woo Hoo!
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. XCVI
Pay' Em What They're Worth
Head Like a Hole, Black As Your Soul, I'd Rather Die Than Give You Control
Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
Duranty as Indulgence
Blogging My Weight
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. XCV
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. XCIV
TMQ Haiku
Hmmm..., Any bites?
Pee Wee Brains
One Big Happy Family
I'm Back
The Big Easy
Thank You, Andrea
Woo Hoo!
The Tipping Point?
The Crock Is Mightier Than the Glock
Guilty As Charged
Knock, Knock, Knockin' On Hades' Door
Who'da Thunk It?
An Ass Toot Observation
NY Times Slimes Dean!
Dumb and Dumberer
Nobel Peace Prize
People I Know
Maybe Arafat Doesn't Have a Heart After All
Maybe His Problem Was Genetic
Say Goodnight, Gray-C
A Contest
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
Penn. Ave Freezeout
Actually, There Is Such a Thing As a Stupid Question
Such a Thoughtful Young Man
Damn Carpetbagger
Move Along, No Media Bias To See Here
Time to Suspend the Suspension of Disbelief
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. XCIII
Birds of a Feather
Who Knew Arafat Had a Heart?
The Girly Man Loses
Cubs vs. Red Sox
Paging Mr. Warhol
This Blog's For You
As If
Perhaps You Were Expecting a Bang
"You're a Very Strange Man"
Just Be Glad He Stayed Out of Government
Cubs Win! Cubs Win!
Friday's Blast From the Past
Oh Susanna!
One Man's Ceiling...
The First Step Is To Admit You Have a Problem
Capt. Renault Rolls Over In His Grave
Join the Party Babs
Then Again...
But Wait, There's More!
A Pack, Not a Herd
Disenfranchised Voters
No Bias Here, Move Along
What If There Was No 22nd Amendment?
Duty, Honor, Country
That's Two
Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad
Friday's Blast From the Past
So Much For the Uniform Making the Man
Cognitive Dissonance
"Nobody Move, Or the Terrorist Gets It"
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. XCII
Things That Make Me Go Hmm...
I'm Too Sexed-Up For Milan
Senator Clinton Announces Her Intention to Not Reveal Her Intentions Concerning Her Presidential Candidacy
Massachusetts Must Be So Proud
I'm Confused
Oh, Puhleeze
I Take Requests
General Clark Announces His Candidacy for President
Senator Edwards Announces His Presidential Candidacy
True Lies, and the Truly Lying Liars Who Tell Them
Oh, and One More Thing...
Big Wheel, Keep On Turnin'...
... In Palestine, In Berkeley ...
Yellow Dog Days of the Campaign
Dead Man Walking
Friday's Blast From the Past
Attack, Attack, Attack
It's Later Than We Think
The Debate
What If?
Let's Recap, Shall We?
Bring The Troops Home!
Steve Goodman
Global Cooling or Global Warming?
Fat, Dumb, and Neurotic
The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks
Don't Mention The War
Current Events
Arafat Signs His Death Warrant
Can Long-term Exposure to Peanuts Cause Dementia?
The Liberation of Iraq Was a Good Thing, Pass It On
Friday's Blast From the Past
When Networks Attack!
A Gray Davis Commercial Suggestion
Victim? Not Me, Brother!
If I Were A Rich Man...
Jacque's Buddy
And the Republicans Are Called the Stoopid Party
Tim Russert's Contribution to the Nation
Semper Fi
Why I Doubt Environmental Scare-Mongering
wOO hOO!
Friday's Blast From the Past
It Must Be True...
All's Fair In Love and War
Unintended Consequences
It's Gotta Be Because Football Is Near
Everything Old Is New Again
How Do You Push the Boundary Once the Boundaries Are Gone?
Like Giving Whiskey and Car Keys to Teenage Boys
Of Course, This Is the US' Fault
Na Na Na Na Na Na Nineteen
How's This?
Don't Tell Frank!
Arnold Can Drop Out Now
Is It Perfect Yet?
Soon We Can Play Two-Deck Blackjack
Power Bawl
The Road Map To Hell Is Paved With Bad Intentions
Bring It On, Redux
For the Children
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
President's Job Approval Numbers Remain Remarkably Consistent
If You Start With A False Premise...
Why We Must Continue To Fight
As Long As He Stays Out of Alabama
Time To Call In the Clavinator
He's Right, As Usual
Like Flypaper to Terrorists
What's For Dinner?
Reality is So Inconvenient
Al Qaeda Jumps the Shark
The Smartest Woman in the World
California Needs To Get It Right
I Blame Al Gore
If Only I Were Born Yesterday...
Friday's Blast From the Past
I Guess I Shouldn't Be Surprised, But ...
Language and Other Oddities
Le Bastards
We Win!
And Now a Water Shortage Too!
This Never Happened When Rudy Was In Charge
Great Googly-Moogly!
Arnold, Etc.
Hey, Mulholland
Caption Contest
Friday's Blast From the Past
Judgment Day
Time For a Googlebomb
Voter Apathy, Et Cetera
The Scourge of Richard Cohen, Vol. XCI
Fading Fast
So Close, and Yet So Far
The Giardian
3rd ID
Crazy Like a Rabid Fox
The Return of Comical Ali
Supporting Israel
Caption Of The Week
Shooting Blanks
Friday's Blast From the Past
Gilligan's Isle
Your Moment of Szell
Looks Like I Picked A Bad Month To Stop Sniffing Glue