March 31, 2006

Through the Omphaloscope

You know, I can't, or won't, state a definition of sine qua non in the header, because I'm afraid I'd lose more than two-thirds of my mealy share of hits if the search engines that girdle the earth stopped sending people touring machine generated images this way.

DOWNDATE: It's a damn good thing I amuse the hell out of myself with this stuff, since apparently no one else knows what I'm talking about.

Posted by Charles Austin at March 31, 2006 06:12 PM

I tried hard to figure it out.

Posted by: Scott Chaffin at 12:26 AM

I'll admit this is pretty obscure. Perhaps I overestimated the number of people that took computer design, real analysis and mathematical logic in grad school. I did think that "touring machine" was hokey enough to have given it away.

Posted by: charles austin at 10:51 AM

I'm coming up rapidly on the 25th anniversary of my B.S. -- no comments from the peanut gallery necessary. There are references to five men who preoccupied my waking cycles for a few months way back then. After a long hiatus, I am trying to find ways to apply their work again.

Posted by: charles austin at 10:55 AM