June 14, 2005

So, The War Would Have Been OK If Your Son Hadn't Died?

I can understand grief and anger over having lost a son, but this throwaway line strikes me the wrong way:

Since her son's death, Sheehan has made opposition to the Bush administration a full-time job.

I am sorry for her loss and I mourn her lost son, Army Specialist Casey Austin Sheehan, with her by honoring his sacrifice. Alas, I fear Ms. Sheehan's exploitation of her son's death for political purposes serves only to dishonor his memory. Read the article if you want more details.

Posted by Charles Austin at June 14, 2005 08:07 PM

I understand the grief over having a son die. I think her grief is clouding her judgement regarding who is responsible for her son's death. Grief will do that a lot of times.

Posted by: Jon at 11:56 AM