Somebody better let Dr. Evil know that Matt Damon is stealing his best lines:
Hometown hottie Matt Damon doesn't rest when it comes to politicking for his presidential pick John Kerry - even whilst in Germany! "I would pay $1 million to have Kerry in the White House," the actor said at the premiere of "The Bourne Supremacy" in Berlin the other night.
Gosh, I can't wait to see Team America: World Police.
Hometown hottie Matt Damon.
Hometown hottie? This is from a real newspaper?
Well, I must immediately subordinate my own convictions to the reasoned words of hometown hottie Matt Damon.
"Matt DAy-mun!"
I thought we were supposed to keep the money out of politics.
Posted by: Jim Durbin at 12:20 PMRun, do not walk, to see Team America. I went yesterday, and I howled throughout. the slams against lefty lackwit actors are outrageous.
Posted by: John Cunningham at 01:25 AM