March 25, 2004

The Unbearable Lightness of Kerry

I swear, as soon as I saw this story this morning about President George W. Bush poking fun at himself in a humorously self-deprecating manner about not finding the WMDs, that some humorless idiot would take offense to it.

Lo and behold, guess which humorless idiot stepped up to the plate:

Kerry Knocks Bush Over WMD Jokes

I'm still waiting for Karl Rove to have President George W. Bush come out on consecutive days for motherhood, baseball, apple pie, little league soccer, reading to children, puppies, kittens, sunshine, volunteer service, and everything else good and right in the world through election day just so John Kerry's automatic gainsaying of anything President George W. Bush says or does will make even yellow dog Democrat partisans realize what a completely empty suit this moron is.

Posted by Charles Austin at March 25, 2004 05:16 PM

I'm not so sure. My reaction, at first, was the same as yours, but now - thinking about it - I can see where it seems rather tasteless. Right or wrong, Bush used WMD programs as a reason to go to war - and because of that decision, American soldiers (and those of other nations) have given their lives. I can see where making light of the failure to uncover WMD would be an insult to the memories of our fallen countrymen.

Which is not to say that Kerry isn't just milking it for political mileage.

Posted by: andy at 07:57 PM

Andy, it the automatic anti-anything Bush that bugs me the most. But I'd also much prefer someone who can laugh at themself than the humorless geek who takes himself so seriously. The event where these things took place is supposed to be lighthearted and self-deprecating, and it was. You always take your responsibilities seriously, but you have to avoid taking youself too seriously at all costs.

Posted by: charles austin at 08:57 PM

Kerry's automatic gainsaying of anything President George W. Bush says or does will make even yellow dog Democrat partisans realize what a completely empty suit this moron is.

Speaking of dogs, didn't Kerry have one during Vietnam that he named VC? Now that's tasteless (and weird).

Posted by: Lawrence at 07:55 PM

Well, I thought it was funny. But then I'm evil.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at 12:19 PM