Hillary passes out the red Kool-aid at the first convention of the American Constitution Society:
"These favorable decisions in recent months should not obscure the torrent of aggressively activist and legally dubious decisions of times past," Clinton, D-N.Y., told the American Constitution Society.
So strict constructionism becomes constitutional activism and real constitutional activism becomes (gasp!) "conservativism." That sound you hear is caused by the rapid turning and re-turning of a small patch of earth in Sutton Courtney. On my next trip to England, I am going to make a pilgrimage there to lay a rose on that grave. But I digress.
She said this is "the same court that gave us Bush v. Gore, which made a mockery of one of our most cherished constitutional rights, the right to vote," a reference to the 2000 ruling that ended Democrat Al Gore's chances of winning the White House.
This is, of course, sheer bloody lunacy and reveals Hillary as just another in a long pantheon of Democrats for whom the ends justify the means. No doubt several of the illiberal utopian statists in the audience left with fresh red Kool-aid stains on their fancy frocks as they enthusiastically cheered Hillary on. I also have no doubt that many in this adoring crowd cotton to this kind of hyperbole in a manner best expressed by John Travolta when he was accused of being out of his mind in the really bad movie Broken Arrow, "Yeah. Ain't it cool?"
I could rant for days on how the Democrats have turned the Constitution into toilet paper -- making it "a blank page by construction," as Jefferson famously warned us not to do -- but I'd have to clean up afterward, and besides, the Republicans' record, though better, isn't pristine either.
What's really significant, though, is the Democrats' recent attempts to camouflage their anti-Constitutional agenda and tactics as a defense of the Constitution. Having reduced that document to a nullity, they now claim to be its most ardent protectors.
As for Hillary!'s claim that Bush v. Gore was an anti-Constitutional decision, well, there's still no legal penalty for lying in public. Which explains a lot, when you think about it.
Posted by: Francis W. Porretto at 08:52 AMBut don't you two realize that the Constitution is a "living document?"
But then again, as Josey Wales said, "Dyin' ain't much of a livin'."
Posted by: Jeffersonian at 01:59 PMThat's great. I can see it now. Hillary using our "living, breathing constitution", perhaps drawing to look like it has been folded (origamy style) into a swan, as toilet paper. I think that this is a political cartoon in the making.
Someone should get on that!
Posted by: Austin Barrow at 01:49 PM